The 3.5 mm connector, which utilizes air dielectric for higher frequency is a precision connector known for its durability. Its design strategy focused on highly-rugged physical interfaces. This coaxial connector achieves mode free operation to 34 GHz. The 3.5 mm connectors are also inter-mate compatible with SMA and 2.92 mm coaxial connectors.Applications: High Speed Digital, Instrumentation, Military, Aerospace, SATCOM, Cable Assemblies and Test & measurement.
3.5 mm連接器作為標準型SMA Connector的延伸設計,通過最佳化利用空氣介質,使其能夠達到更高的使用頻率。而且以其耐用性而聞名。其設計策略著重於高度堅固的實體界面。此同軸連接器可實現高達 34 GHz 的頻率模式操作。 3.5 毫米連接器也與 SMA 和 2.92 毫米同軸連接器相互相容。.應用:高速數位、儀器、軍事、航空航太、衛星通訊、電纜組件和測試與測量。
Aec Connectors Co., Ltd.
Address : 36, Lane 63, Kai An Rd., Hoshun Ind. Park, Tainan City 709, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone : +886-6-3553595(Rep.)
Fax : +886-6-3553258
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