2.4mm connectors are designed to provide the connector performance up to 50GHz. The 2.4mm connectors have an M7xP0.75 threads and are mechanically compatible with 1.85mm connectors.
Applications: The 2.4mm connectors are suitable for high frequency applications such as radar and microwave communications.
2.4mm 連接器,其被設計出來能夠應用到高達50GHz的頻率。2.4mm連接器具有 M7xP0.75螺紋,在機械上與 1.85mm連接器相容。
應用 : 2.4mm 連接器適用於雷達和微波通訊等高頻應用。
Aec Connectors Co., Ltd.
Address : 36, Lane 63, Kai An Rd., Hoshun Ind. Park, Tainan City 709, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone : +886-6-3553595(Rep.)
Fax : +886-6-3553258
Email : sales@aecconnectors.com.tw