1.85 mm connectors, also known as V series, because they cover the V-band frequency. They are designed to provide the connector performance up to 67 GHz. The 1.85mm connectors have an M7xP0.75 threads and are mechanically compatible with 2.4 mm connectors. The design was introduced as an open standard under the IEEE 287 Precision Connector Standards Committee.
Applications: The 1.85mm connectors are used in a wide range of applications including Military, Aerospace, SATCOM, Test & Measurement etc.
1.85 mm 連接器,也稱為 V型連接器,因為它們覆蓋V 頻段頻率。其被設計出來能夠應用到高達67GHz的頻率。1.85mm連接器具有 M7xP0.75 螺紋,在機械上與 2.4mm連接器相容。該設計作為 IEEE 287 精密連接器標準委員會的開放標準推出。
應用 : 1.85mm 連接器應用廣泛,包括軍事、航空航太、衛星通訊、測試與測量等
Aec Connectors Co., Ltd.
Address : 36, Lane 63, Kai An Rd., Hoshun Ind. Park, Tainan City 709, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone : +886-6-3553595(Rep.)
Fax : +886-6-3553258
Email : sales@aecconnectors.com.tw